
Negotiation Series: Interests and Positions

Negotiation Series: Interests and Positions

Negotiation Series: Power Play (Emotional Detachment)

Opportunity Is “Evergreen”

It’s Christmas Eve. By now, if you celebrate Christmas, you’ve sent out party invitations, decorated your home, hung the lights, and perhaps, bought and adorned your real (or artificial) Christmas

Perseverance and Patience

Mark Patterson, a dear friend of mine, recently read my April 4th blog entry (“Purpose, Perseverance, Patience: Are You an Oak Tree or an Onion?”) and asked me to elaborate

The Little Box and a Number

My mentor from afar, the late Jim Rohn, used to share “the little box and a number” story to inspire action. Here is my adaptation of the story. Johnny, a

A Framework for Early Stages Business Planning

Business ideas, when coupled with a strategic plan of attack, have an increased chance to become profitable. Here are five key points to be considered and incorporated strategically in the

Corporate Social Responsibility

I came across a great article that talks about corporate social responsibility. “Corporate social responsibility is everything that happens around us, and we are all an integral, indispensable and probably the most important part

A Business That Gives Back

Q: Dear Andrei, What are some of the companies that you admire out there? Why? What is the criteria that you use in evaluating and appreciating these businesses? Best, Amanda