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Andrei Duta » fitness Mon, 25 Jan 2021 07:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FALL 2014 Training Routine — September through December Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:40:15 +0000 [vc_row][vc_column][rs_section_title align=”left” title=”FALL 2014 Training Routine — September through December” show_right=”no”][vc_column_text]People sometimes ask what my workout routine is. For this fall, here is my plan:

Sun (Swim/NSP day)
Swim (1200+ yards), SCR, NSP* (1-10-1 pull-ups, 2-20-2 push-ups, 3-30-3 abs, 4-40-4 squats), and Stretching (10+ min)

Mon (Swim/Bike day)
Swim (1200+ yards), Bike (60+ min), SCR**, and Stretching (10+ min)

Tue (Swim/Run/CT day)
Swim (1200+ yards), Run/Stair/Treadmill (30+ min), SCR, CT *** (push-ups & abs), and Stretching (10+ min)

Wed (Swim/CT day)
Swim (1200+ yards), SCR, CT (legs and abs), and Stretching (10+ min)

Thur (Swim/Run/CT day)
Swim (1200+ yards), Run/Stair/Treadmill (30+ min), SCR, CT (pull-ups & abs), and Stretching (10+ min)

Fri (Swim day)
Swim (1200+ yards), SCR, and Stretching (10+ min)

Sat (Swim/Bike day)
Swim (1200+ yards), Bike (60+ min), SCR, and Stretching (10+ min)

*NSP=Navy Seals Pyramids (intense calisthenics routine based on Navy Seals pull-ups, push-ups, abs, squats routine)
**SCR=Speed Calisthenics Routine (25 diamond pushups, 12-20 pull-ups, 25 knives abs, 25 squats with 2X20 lbs weights, 25 curls with 2X20 lbs weights, and stretching routine)
***CT=Calisthenics Trainer (alternate push-ups, pull-ups, legs, and abs in intense, till failure routines)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Weight Training Thu, 27 Feb 2014 12:06:22 +0000 If you train with weights, then limit the workout to 60 minutes in duration. 30-45 minutes is ideal. Going over the 60 minute threshold is tricky as more of the stress hormone cortisol is produced. Cortisol can have a testosterone-blocking, muscle-wasting effect. Sometimes less is more.

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Mind over Matter Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:00:14 +0000 When it comes to health and fitness, your mental state is foundational. Your capacity to laser-like concentrate on your goals is extremely important. Visualize the outcomes, engage imaginatively and emotionally in mental rehearsal of the future, and execute with precision.

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Nutrition and Fitness Mon, 10 Feb 2014 12:00:37 +0000 Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels. Let this be your mantra for this month: nothing tastes as good as being fit feels, nothing tastes as good as being fit feels, nothing tastes as good as being fit feels, nothing tastes as good as being fit feels. Eat well. Eat less. Eat often. Exercise more.

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Stay Hydrated! Mon, 07 Oct 2013 15:24:48 +0000 Andrei DutaJust because the summer has come and gone doesn’t mean we should be pushing away water as the temperatures continue to fall. Although we may not feel nearly as overheated or sweating as much, water should continue to be consumed on a daily basis.

I came across an article that talked about the benefits of being hydrated. We are constantly losing fluid throughout the day during every season of the year because of things like “breathing and evaporation of from the skin.” Water has numerous benefits such as balancing body fluids, makes your skin look nicer, and can help you control your calorie intake. Sometimes people aren’t conscious of the fact that they are thirsty. Other times, people will choose to eat then have a drink of water. Often, people are merely thirsty and they don’t need a full meal to satisfy their urge.

According to, there a few tips to get you to drink more during the day. The first is to “bring back the water-cooler conversation.” Throughout the day, take a walk to the water-cooler, socialize with coworkers and drink water. Of course don’t take too many trips – you wouldn’t want to impact your productivity. But, getting out of your seat and moving around every once and a while can boost morale and create a more social environment at work. On your trip around the office stop at the water-cooler!

The second tip is “enhance it.” Some people choose to not drink water because they simply don’t like it. There are so many calorie-free flavor additives for water. These can help give you that extra push so you’ll consume more.

Another tip is “be committed.” Telling yourself you will drink this amount of water a day will give you a goal and it will be up to you to do it. Maybe throw in a little reward to give yourself more of reason to do so. For instance, if you drink X amount of water then you’ll watch an episode of your favorite show before you go to bed.

These are just a few tips that will get you drinking water throughout the day, because after all, it is the healthiest option and it provides many benefits.


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5K Race in Cedar Park, TX Fri, 27 Sep 2013 14:54:35 +0000 Today I ran a 5K race in Cedar Park, TX. It functioned as a kick off for my running training. It was the first time to run in a long time as I’ve mainly focused on swimming during the last few years.

Today’s race was also a barometer for my running fitness. My goal was sub 25

minutes. I finished in 22:27. Even though today’s finish time paled in comparison to my personal best of 16:34 (on track) and consistent sub 19 minute 5K’s of a few years ago, I was pleased to run 2 minutes and 33 seconds faster than what I purposed or anticipated for the day.

I expect to finish next year’s 5K race in less than 19:30. That translates into running each mile a minute faster. Each quarter of a mile, 15 seconds faster. Each 100 meters, 4 seconds faster. I can do it. I will do it. So be it.

“I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength.” (Phil. 4:13)

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Swimming Workout 08.31.13 Tue, 03 Sep 2013 15:57:14 +0000 2,000 yards in 60 mins

250 free – warm up breath every 3
250 free – drills, kicks, mix breast, fly, free
1,000 free – work on roll, rhythm, longer strokes
250 free – drills, kicks, mix breast, fly, free
250 free – cool down breath every 3

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Swimming Workout 08.30.13 Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:49:40 +0000 2,000 yards (60-75 mins)

250 free warm up (breath 3)
250 breaststroke
250 free drills mix
250 kicks mix (free, fly, breast)
500 free (timed)
250 free sprints (100, 75, 50, 25)
250 free cool down (breath 3)

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Andrei Duta’s 5K Race – Cedar Park, TX Mon, 26 Aug 2013 15:13:30 +0000 Andrei Duta
Mom rooting for me at the finish line.

Today I ran a 5K race in Cedar Park, TX. It functioned as a kick off for my running training. It was the first time to run in a long time as I’ve mainly focused on swimming during the last few years.

Today’s race was also a barometer for my running fitness. My goal was sub 25 minutes. I finished in 22:27. Even though today’s finish time paled in comparison to my personal best of 16:34 (on track) and consistent sub 19 minute 5K’s of a few years ago, I was pleased to run 2 minutes and 33 seconds faster than what I purposed or anticipated for the day.

Andrei Duta
Walking back to the car with the sun peeking through the clouds.

I expect to finish next year’s 5K race in less than 19:30. That translates into running each mile a minute faster. Each quarter of a mile, 15 seconds faster. Each 100 meters, 4 seconds faster. I can do it. I will do it. So be it.

“I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength.” (Phil. 4:13)

(Pictures: mom rooting for me at the finish line and walking back to the car with the sun peeking through the clouds.)

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